Vikram Unnithan (July 2024)

Welcome ..

Welcome to my webpage hosted at I am a Professor of Geoscience at the School of Science, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Constructor University Bremen, Germany (formerly Jacobs University Bremen).

I am marine geologist - applied geophysicist by training, interested in process-oriented geological studies and applied geophysics, ranging from seismic interpretation, petroleum systems modelling, planetary analogues, gas hydrates to cold water coral studies and GIS data visualisation and analysis.

Please note - This website is a draft - I am currently editing / updating it !! (Sept. 2024)


Interested in 
Hydrocarbon Exploration - Marine Geophysics –  Sedimentology – Gas Hydrates - Planetary Geosciences - Geo-informatics - Marine Resource Management

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Hydrocarbon Exploration

Simulation of petroleum prolific areas by integrating geophysical data; 
Scenarios for petroleum generation, migration and accumulation; 
Assess the petroleum system and potential reservoirs for oil industry

Gas Hydrates in Core (2023 AMAGAS Brazil)
Gas Hydrates 

Sediment alteration during hydrate formation; Transport model of methane bearing fluids coupled with Thermodynamic hydrate stability, and Pore pressure evolution including hydrate dissociation

Vulcano 2023

Geodata processing & modelling; Spatial data analysis and visualization; Video-mosaicking, marine habitat mapping; Interactive Web GIS linked to marine sensor networks

Publications - Image from Pixabay


For a more complete list of publications, please visit:
- My googlescholar pages at
- Research Gate Profile at

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Over the past 20 years or so, I have been teaching a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses on topics such as Sedimentary and Structural Geology, General Geosciences, Marine and Applied Geophysics, and Geographic Information Systems. I have also been active in field, summer and marine practical excursions for example annual (2007 - to date) marine teaching excursions onboard the German Research Vessel Heincke. 

Selected contributions to the graduate courses include:
* ESSReS PhD School – introductory GIS classes
* GeoOcean Dynamics MSc – Sedimentology, Exploration Seismics
* Summer Schools: Climate Change (2012), China (2019)
* BPSD Executive MSc Program
* MarMic - MSc program -

Curriculum Development:
Program co-ordination and development:
- ESS (Earth and Environmental Sciences - BSc)
- ESSMER (Earth Sciences and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources - BSc)
- BPSD (Basin and Petroleum Systems Dynamics - Executive MSc)
- GOD (Geo Ocean Dynamics - MSc)

Work Experience - short CV

->    1996 – 2001  PhD in Geology, University College Dublin, Ireland
->    1992 – 1996 Doctorandus (MSc equivalent) in Geology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
->    1990 – 1991 Propedeuse (BSc. equivalent) in Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
->    1978 – 1989 St. Xavier School, Jaipur, India

Professional Experience
->    2004 – present Professor of Geoscience, Constructor University Bremen, formerly Jacobs University Bremen.
->    2003 – 2004 Exploration geophysicist, Fugro Robertson, Llandudno, Wales, U.K.
->    2000 – 2003 Post-doctoral Fellow at Dept. of Geology, University College Dublin, Ireland
->    1999 – 2000 Part-time Marine GIS & Data Analyst position, Irish Marine Data Centre, Dublin.
->    1997 – Geological Survey of Ireland – Geological Training Field Assistant

->    2004 – present Undergraduate (BSc) and Graduate (MSc and PhD), Jacobs University
->    2003 – 2004 Seismic interpretation and stratigraphy, Fugro Robertson ->    1998 – 2003 Undergraduate and graduate students training during research cruises, UCD
->   1997 – 1999 Undergraduate (BSc) structural geology, UCD

Other / Misc Interests

Membership Professional Bodies

* American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
* American Geophysical Union (AGU)
* European Association of Geologists and Engineers (EAGE)
* Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
* Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB)
* German Geophysical Association
* German Geological Association (GV)
* German Higher Education Association (DHSV)

Other professional activities

* EU Expert - assessment of EU proposals
* MarMic MSc program external faculty
* Ocean Expert (link)

Community Work

* College Master Mercator College – (2007 – 2013)
* Faculty IT Committee (2005 – 2015)
* Undergraduate Admission Committee (2008 – 2018)
* Search Committee Staff and Faculty Employment (2004 – present)
* Ombudsman (2013 – present)
* EQ Committee (2013 – 2016)

General Interests

marine .. geology .. geophyics .. expeditions ...
Travelling .. meeting people .. visiting places ..
Sports (including cricket!)
Making things, cooking, cook books
Working in the garden


Get / keep in touch
  • Prof. Dr. Vikram Unnithan
  • Professor Geosciences
  • School of Science
  • Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
  • Constructor University Bremen (formerly Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH)

  • Address (work):    
  • Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen, Germany
  • Office: Research III, Room 98
  • Tel: +49 (0)421 200 3161
  • Fax: +49 421 200-49-3161
  • Email: v dot unnithan AT jacobs-university dot de

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