Vikram Unnithan (July 2024)

Welcome ..

Welcome to my webpage hosted at I am a Professor of Geoscience at the School of Science, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Constructor University Bremen, Germany (formerly Jacobs University Bremen).

I am geologist - applied geophysicist by training, interested in process-oriented geological studies and applied geophysics, ranging from seismic interpretation, petroleum systems modelling, planetary analogues, gas hydrates to cold water coral studies and GIS data visualisation and analysis.

Please note - This website is a draft - I am currently editing / updating it !! (August 2024)


Interested in 
Hydrocarbon Exploration - Marine Geophysics –  Sedimentology – Gas Hydrates - Planetary Geosciences - Geo-informatics - Marine Resource Management

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Hydrocarbon Exploration

Simulation of petroleum prolific areas by integrating geophysical data; 
Scenarios for petroleum generation, migration and accumulation; 
Assess the petroleum system and potential reservoirs for oil industry

Gas Hydrates in Core (2023 AMAGAS Brazil)
Gas Hydrates 

Sediment alteration during hydrate formation; Transport model of methane bearing fluids coupled with Thermodynamic hydrate stability, and Pore pressure evolution including hydrate dissociation

Vulcano 2023

Geodata processing & modelling; Spatial data analysis and visualization; Video-mosaicking, marine habitat mapping; Interactive Web GIS linked to marine sensor networks

Publications - Image from Pixabay


For a more complete list of publications, please visit:
- My googlescholar pages at
- Research Gate Profile at

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Over the past 20 years or so, I have been teaching a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses on topics such as Sedimentary and Structural Geology, General Geosciences, Marine and Applied Geophysics, and Geographic Information Systems. I have also been active in field, summer and marine practical excursions for example annual (2007 - to date) marine teaching excursions onboard the German Research Vessel Heincke. 

Selected contributions to the graduate courses include:
* ESSReS PhD School – introductory GIS classes
* GeoOcean Dynamics MSc – Sedimentology, Exploration Seismics
* Summer Schools: Climate Change (2012), China (2019)
* BPSD Executive MSc Program
* MarMic - MSc program -

Curriculum Development:
Program co-ordination and development:
- ESS (Earth and Environmental Sciences - BSc)
- ESSMER (Earth Sciences and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources - BSc)
- BPSD (Basin and Petroleum Systems Dynamics - Executive MSc)
- GOD (Geo Ocean Dynamics - MSc)

Work Experience - short CV

->    1996 – 2001  PhD in Geology, University College Dublin, Ireland
->    1992 – 1996 Doctorandus (MSc equivalent) in Geology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
->    1990 – 1991 Propedeuse (BSc. equivalent) in Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
->    1978 – 1989 St. Xavier School, Jaipur, India

Professional Experience
->    2004 – present Professor of Geoscience, Constructor University Bremen, formerly Jacobs University Bremen.
->    2003 – 2004 Exploration geophysicist, Fugro Robertson, Llandudno, Wales, U.K.
->    2000 – 2003 Post-doctoral Fellow at Dept. of Geology, University College Dublin, Ireland
->    1999 – 2000 Part-time Marine GIS & Data Analyst position, Irish Marine Data Centre, Dublin.
->    1997 – Geological Survey of Ireland – Geological Training Field Assistant

->    2004 – present Undergraduate (BSc) and Graduate (MSc and PhD), Jacobs University
->    2003 – 2004 Seismic interpretation and stratigraphy, Fugro Robertson ->    1998 – 2003 Undergraduate and graduate students training during research cruises, UCD
->   1997 – 1999 Undergraduate (BSc) structural geology, UCD

Other / Misc Interests

Membership Professional Bodies

* American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
* American Geophysical Union (AGU)
* European Association of Geologists and Engineers (EAGE)
* Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
* Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB)
* German Geophysical Association
* German Geological Association (GV)
* German Higher Education Association (DHSV)

Other professional activities

* EU Expert - assessment of EU proposals
* MarMic MSc program external faculty
* Ocean Expert (link)

Community Work

* College Master Mercator College – (2007 – 2013)
* Faculty IT Committee (2005 – 2015)
* Undergraduate Admission Committee (2008 – 2018)
* Search Committee Staff and Faculty Employment (2004 – present)
* Ombudsman (2013 – present)
* EQ Committee (2013 – 2016)

General Interests

Geology .. geology .. geology ...
Sports (including cricket!)
Making things, cooking, cook books
Working in the garden


Get / keep in touch
  • Prof. Dr. Vikram Unnithan
  • Professor Geosciences
  • School of Science
  • Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
  • Constructor University Bremen (formerly Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH)

  • Address (work):    
  • Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen, Germany
  • Office: Research III, Room 98
  • Tel: +49 (0)421 200 3161
  • Fax: +49 421 200-49-3161
  • Email: v dot unnithan AT jacobs-university dot de

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